ProfileXT® is a multi-purpose total person employee Psychometric assessment test that measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization.
The job matching feature of the ProfileXT® is unique, and it enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required to successfully perform in a specific job.
ProfileXT® reveals consistent, in-depth, and objective insight into an individual’s thinking and reasoning style, behavioral traits and occupational interests.
ProfileXT generates 10 Reports which can help your managers interview, select the right people & provides practical recommendations for coaching them to maximum performance.
How It Works
Prior to assessing candidates, our experts help you develop peak performance models for your jobs in question that you will use to compare job candidates against.
Once established, our clients deliver the ProfileXT to their candidates over the internet — hiring managers or an HR administrator simply forwards a link.
The assessment does not need to be monitored, so the candidate can take it from any computer with internet access.
The system instantly scores the assessment and informs the hiring managers where they can access the results.
The hiring manager can use the results as a screening tool or to assist them in the interviewing, selection and on-boarding process.
How the ProfileXT is Used
- Leadership Development
- Strategic Workforce Planning
- HIPO Identification
- Workforce Redeployment
- Executive Development
- Employee Retention
- Promotions
- Team Development
- Team Building
- Management Development
- Supervisory Development
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Onboarding
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- Performance Management
- Orientation
- Succession Planning
- Replacement Planning
- Sales Management
- Training
- Career Development
- Project Management
- Program Management
- Stress Management
- Reduction in Force
- Job Matching
- Measuring Competencies
- Turnover Reduction
- Minimizing Learning Curves
- Accelerating Performance
- Enabling Coaches
- Individual Development Planning
- Development Planning
- Conflict Resolution
- Negotiations
What Our Customers Are Saying
Our company gets a good return on investment from the ProfileXT® assessment. We’ve found the product crucial in helping us promote retention and enhance productivity. Your assessments are an important part of our HR tool kit.

It’s a shift from ‘low performer thinking’ to ‘maybe they are not in the right job, and we should find them a better fit.’ I can figure out that if poor job fit is the case, I can help them go into a new job and do better.

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- Afghanistan
- Algeria
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